Treating Anxiety with Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine
With Daniel Atchison-Nevel. On Demand.
Anxiety has surpassed depression as the world’s number one mental health issue. Acupuncture & Chinese medicine not only provide effective tools for diagnosing and treating anxiety but provide multiple models for placing anxiety in a holistic social-psycho-emotional context. Employing a multi-contextual approach allows for the most effective treatment and is particularly required in cases of refractory (treatment resistant) anxiety.
Multiple contextual models for understanding and treating anxiety including 3 Wombs, Five Phases, Extraordinary Vessels and classical Chinese medicine.
Specific and simple acupuncture and herbal protocols for anxiety.
Recommended self-care practices for anxiety with differential diagnosis and instructions for recommending each cultivation.
Clinical encounter insights and clinical tips from Dan’s forty years of treating patients diagnosed with anxiety.
“I hope to provide participants with a broad and solid context for understanding and the continued exploration of the many dimensions of anxiety while also providing immediately useful clinical tools.” -Daniel Atchison-Nevel
Daniel J. Atchison-Nevel